What is a Sanctuary City? Where are they in KY? USA?

ky map showing jurisdictions

Sanctuary Map Update: About 170 Locations Added

by Jessica Vaughn | Aug. 21, 2024 | Center for Immigration Studies

New information obtained from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has enabled the Center to update its map of sanctuary jurisdictions. Based on the most recent reporting from ICE field offices, about 170 new jurisdictions have been added to the map. Some of these sanctuary jurisdictions are located in states that have passed laws to prohibit such policies. The states with the most jurisdictions added to the map are Virginia, North Dakota, Nebraska, New York, and Minnesota.

Since 2015, the Center has been tracking sanctuaries, which we define as those state and local jurisdictions that have laws, ordinances, policies, or practices that prevent state and/or law enforcement agencies from cooperating fully with ICE in gaining custody of criminal aliens who have been arrested for local crimes. Over the years, more than 10,000 criminal aliens have been released by local authorities due to sanctuary policies, and many of these criminal aliens have subsequently been arrested for additional crimes. In one eight-month period documented by ICE in 2014-15, of about 8,000 criminal aliens released by sanctuary jurisdictions, about 1,800 offenders were arrested again within the eight-month period for 7,500 new crimes. Read more.

U.S. map showing sanctuary jurisdictions

These cities, counties, and states have laws, ordinances, regulations, resolutions, policies, or other practices that obstruct immigration enforcement and shield criminals from ICE — either by refusing to or prohibiting agencies from complying with ICE detainers, imposing unreasonable conditions on detainer acceptance, denying ICE access to interview incarcerated aliens, or otherwise impeding communication or information exchanges between their personnel and federal immigration officers.

A detainer is the primary tool used by ICE to gain custody of criminal aliens for deportation. It is a notice to another law enforcement agency that ICE intends to assume custody of an alien and includes information on the alien's previous criminal history, immigration violations, and potential threat to public safety or security.

Important reading.
