Corporatocracy: Driven by greed

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

A third edition of Confessions of an Economic Hit Man was released this year, nearly 20 years after the book was first published. It is touted as ‘The New York Times Bestseller Updated and Expanded.’ The publisher is Berret-Koehler.

Author John Perkins continues in his mission to expose the corporatocracy that preys on developing nations to build their infrastructure through debt financing, which leads to a ‘death economy.’ Importantly, he provides concrete action steps for everyone to play a role in helping to build a regenerative Life Economy.

Perkins spent many years as an ‘Economic Hit Man’ (EHM) who would consult with government leaders with the goal of seizing their nation’s economy to benefit large US-based corporations. He states in the Preface:

My job during the Cold War was to implement the US EHM strategy in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. In our determination to stop communism, we told the world—and ourselves— that we were ending poverty and encouraging democracy. In fact, we were making the rich and powerful richer and more powerful, causing a climate catastrophe, and increasing human inequality, environmental destruction, and species extinctions. Although we did not fully understand it until 2022, we also were helping to lay the foundations that would encourage a Russian leader to follow in the footsteps of a ruthless Soviet dictator, Stalin.

Reading Perkin’s book is a stab in the heart for most Americans, as it explains how the strategies of evil nations to control the masses are also those of many business corporations and wealthy families, whose profits derive through the World Bank, the US Agency for International Development, and other foreign aid organizations. It pegs the CIA for assassinations of certain foreign leaders.

The world’s largest corporations are financially bigger than most nations' economies. They rule.

This book is not for anyone suffering from TMI syndrome. (Too much information) It will comfort those who desire to build a better world, but the goal may not be realistic. Still, one’s goals are always a matter of personal choice as John Perkins admirably demonstrates in his books.

A recent interview with Patrick Bet-David is a great introduction to John Perkins.
